EMI Calculator

Calculate your Loan EMI in just Easy Steps. Check & Calculate your Car Loan, Personal Loan, Home Loan, Business Loan EMI Accurate. Know your Loan Intrest & Total Yearly & Monthly EMI's with complete Details.
  • Loan Amount
  • Rate of Interest (p.a)
  • Loan Tenor
  • Monthly EMI
  • Principal Amount
  • Interest Amount
  • Total Amount Payable

What is EMI Calculator

An EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) calculator is a financial tool that helps you calculate the monthly installment amount for a loan. It is a convenient and efficient way to determine the EMI amount based on the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure.

To calculate the Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) for a loan, including car loans, personal loans, home loans, or business loans, you can follow these steps:

  • Gather Loan Details: Collect the necessary information regarding the loan, including the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure (in months or years).
  • Convert Interest Rate: If the interest rate is provided as an annual rate, divide it by 12 to convert it to a monthly rate. For example, if the annual interest rate is 10%, the monthly interest rate would be 10%/12 = 0.833%.
  • Calculate EMI: Use a loan EMI calculator or the following formula to calculate the EMI:
    EMI = P x r x (1 + r)^n / ((1 + r)^n - 1)
    EMI is the Equated Monthly Installment
    P is the loan amount
    r is the monthly interest rate (in decimal form)
    n is the total number of installments (tenure)
    Calculate Yearly EMI (Optional): If you want to determine the yearly EMI amount, multiply the calculated EMI by 12. This will give you the total EMI amount for a year.
  • Review the Details: Note down the calculated EMI amount, both monthly and yearly, for your reference. This will give you an idea of the loan repayment amount.
  • How can EMI calculator help you?

    An EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) calculator is a useful tool that can help you in several ways:

    • Loan Planning: An EMI calculator helps you plan your loan effectively. By inputting different loan amounts, interest rates, and tenures, you can determine the monthly EMI for each scenario. This allows you to assess the affordability of the loan and make informed decisions about borrowing.
    • Budgeting: Knowing the EMI amount in advance helps you budget your finances better. You can factor in the EMI payment while creating your monthly budget, ensuring that you allocate the necessary funds for loan repayment and manage your expenses accordingly.
    • Comparison of Loan Options: If you are considering multiple loan options, an EMI calculator allows you to compare them easily. By inputting the details of different loan offers, you can compare the resulting EMIs and choose the one that best suits your financial situation and repayment capacity.
    • Understanding the Total Cost: The EMI calculator not only provides the monthly installment amount but also helps you understand the total cost of the loan. It displays the interest amount and the principal repayment over the loan tenure, giving you a clear picture of the overall financial commitment.
    • Financial Planning: The EMI calculator enables you to assess the impact of various loan parameters on your finances. You can evaluate different scenarios, such as longer tenures, higher or lower interest rates, or prepayment options, to make informed decisions that align with your long-term financial goals.
    • Prepayment Planning: If you plan to make prepayments towards your loan, an EMI calculator can help you estimate the savings in terms of reduced interest and tenure. You can input the prepayment amount and see the impact on the overall loan repayment.
    • Quick and Convenient: An EMI calculator provides instant results, eliminating the need for manual calculations. It saves time and provides accurate information, helping you make timely decisions.
    • Overall, an EMI calculator is a valuable tool that empowers you with financial insights, enabling you to plan your loans effectively, make informed borrowing decisions, and manage your finances efficiently.


  • Q1. What does an EMI mean?

    EMI stands for Equated Monthly Installment. It is a fixed amount of money that borrowers repay to lenders each month as part of a loan agreement. The EMI includes both the principal amount borrowed and the interest charged on the loan. Here's what EMI represents:

    • Principal Repayment: A portion of the EMI goes towards repaying the principal amount borrowed. This helps reduce the outstanding loan balance over time.
    • Interest Payment: Another portion of the EMI covers the interest charged on the loan. The interest is calculated based on the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure.
    • Fixed Installment: The EMI remains constant throughout the loan tenure, provided the interest rate and loan terms remain unchanged. This allows borrowers to plan their budgets more effectively, knowing the exact amount they need to pay each month.
    • Loan Tenure: The loan tenure determines the number of EMIs that need to be paid to fully repay the loan. For longer tenures, the EMI amount may be lower, but the total interest paid over the loan term will be higher.
    • Loan Amortization: With each EMI payment, the outstanding loan balance decreases, and the interest component reduces while the principal repayment portion increases. This process is known as loan amortization.
    EMIs are commonly associated with various types of loans, including home loans, car loans, personal loans, and business loans. Lenders provide borrowers with an amortization schedule that details the breakdown of each EMI payment, showing the principal and interest components

  • Q2. When does my EMIs start?

    The start date for your EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments) depends on the terms and conditions of your loan agreement. Here are some common scenarios:

    • Immediate EMI Start: In some cases, lenders may require you to start repaying the EMIs immediately after the loan disbursal. This means your first EMI payment will be due shortly after you receive the loan amount.
    • Grace Period: Some loan agreements offer a grace period before the EMIs begin. During this period, you are not required to make any EMI payments. The grace period allows you some time to manage your finances before the repayment starts. The duration of the grace period varies depending on the lender and the type of loan.
    • Moratorium Period: In certain situations, such as education loans or home loans for under-construction properties, lenders may provide a moratorium period. During this period, you are not required to make EMI payments. The repayment starts after the moratorium period ends or when the loan reaches a certain stage, such as the completion of studies or possession of the property.
    It is important to review your loan agreement and communicate with your lender to understand the specific terms regarding the start of your EMIs. The loan agreement will provide you with information on when the repayment begins and the frequency of the EMIs (monthly, quarterly, etc.). Additionally, your lender will notify you regarding the due date of your first EMI payment, ensuring that you have clarity on when your EMI obligations start.

  • Q3. How to calculate Intrest Amount on Loan with using EMI Calculator?

    To calculate the interest amount on a loan using an EMI calculator, you can follow these steps:

    • Gather Loan Details: Collect the necessary information regarding the loan, including the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure (in months or years).
    • Convert Interest Rate: If the interest rate is provided as an annual rate, divide it by 12 to convert it to a monthly rate. For example, if the annual interest rate is 10%, the monthly interest rate would be 10%/12 = 0.833%.
    • Calculate EMI: Use the loan EMI calculator to determine the Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) amount based on the loan details provided.
    • Calculate Total Repayment Amount: Multiply the calculated EMI by the total number of installments (tenure) to find the total repayment amount over the loan term.
    • Calculate Interest Amount: Subtract the loan amount from the total repayment amount to calculate the interest amount. The difference represents the interest paid over the loan tenure.
    • Review the Results: The EMI calculator will typically display the interest amount as part of the loan calculation results.

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